Virus groznice Zapadnog Nila (WNV)

West Nile virus (WNV) is a single-stranded RNA virus that causes West Nile fever. It is a member of the family Flaviviridae, specifically from the genus Flavivirus, which also contains the Zika virus, dengue virus, and yellow fever virus. The virus is genetically related to the Japanese encephalitis family of viruses.

West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, mostly Culex species. The primary hosts of WNV are birds, so the virus dominantly remains within the "bird–mosquito–bird" transmission cycle.Some species of birds, especially birds of prey and some corvids, may exhibit neurological symptoms with fatal outcome while some species appear resistant.

Humans and horses can both develop clinical signs of encephalitis, and symptoms rarely also occur in other animals. Identification of the human disease was first made in 1937 in Uganda and in the later half of the 20th century it spread to many other parts of the world. Like other mosquito-born infectious diseases, there is concern that climate change will increase the spread and replication of both the mosquito vectors and the virus itself.

Virus Zapadnog Nila (VNV) je jednolančani RNK virus koji izaziva groznicu Zapadnog Nila. Član je porodice Flaviviridae, posebno iz roda Flavivirus, koji takođe sadrži virus Zika, virus denga groznice i virus žute groznice. Virus je genetski povezan sa porodicom virusa japanskog encefalitisa.

Virus Zapadnog Nila prenose komarci, uglavnom vrste Culek. Primarni domaćini VNV-a su ptice, tako da virus dominantno ostaje unutar ciklusa prenosa „ptica–komarac–ptica“. Neke vrste ptica, posebno ptice grabljivice i neke korvide, mogu pokazati neurološke simptome sa smrtnim ishodom, dok neke vrste izgledaju otporne. .

I ljudi i konji mogu razviti kliničke znake encefalitisa, a simptomi se retko javljaju i kod drugih životinja. Identifikacija ljudske bolesti je prvi put izvršena 1937. godine u Ugandi, a u kasnijoj polovini 20. veka proširila se na mnoge druge delove sveta. Kao i druge zarazne bolesti koje prenose komarci, postoji zabrinutost da će klimatske promene povećati širenje i umnožavanje vektora komaraca i samog virusa.


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